Monday, October 25, 2010


Dear Parents,
We will be going to the Cobb County Civic Center this Wednesday for a presentation of Pinocchio, by the Georgia Ballet. I have received permission slips for everyone, so we are all good to go. We will be eating lunch at school at 10:15. We will be out of the building from 10:45-1:45. The children are very excited about their trip. We have been reading the big book, Putting on a Play, so they are ready to experience one.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wonderful Conferences

It was wonderful getting to meet all of you during conference week. It was so helpful to look back at the first quarter and to set goals for the second quarter. As your children, you and I all work toward those goals we will accomplish so much. Thank you for coming in and for sharing your thoughts and hearts with me. Together we can!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2010 Red Ribbon Night with the Atlanta Hawks

Hey Atlanta students!! It’s time to get excited about Red Ribbon Week 2010! This year, following all of the activities and recognition of the im-portance of being drug-free, there will be a huge "Red Ribbon Night" at the Hawks game on Saturday, October 30th. There will be activities, speakers, and an appearance by Skyhawk — the Hawks’ mascot! Then, the Hawks will take on the Washington Wizards with you there to cheer them on! You will not want to miss this awesome event! Information about times, transportation, and discounted tickets will be available soon!