Sunday, August 28, 2011

Important Program for 3rd Grade Parents

Please join us for “Curriculum and Coffee”

The topic: Gifted Services Eligibility:

“How Does a Cobb County Elementary Student Qualify for Target?”

Wednesday, September 7

7:30-8:00 AM

Room 333

(Mrs. Simpson’s room, the 1st room on the

left side of the 4th & 5th Grade hallway)

Who should attend? Anyone who is interested in learning more about

how a Cobb County student qualifies for gifted education services

Presenters: Annette Simpson and Diane Gillen, Gifted Education Teachers

Hosted by: Keheley’s School, Family, & Community Committee

Coffee, muffins, and doughnuts provided

by the School, Family, and Community Committee

Friday, August 26, 2011

Great Beginning

We are off to a wonderful school year! As we just wrapped up week 2 I could not be more pleased.

The children are doing a great job working at centers while I have guided math or reading groups. They are diligent going through the writing process during writing workshop and are very serious about the pieces they are working on.

They can identify Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns through our study of ancient Greece's influence on our architecture. They worked in teams to create columns, write, and perform a cheer to describe their column's characteristics. The cheers---priceless! I am so enjoying your little people!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back to School

This is always such an exciting time of year! I am writing this the night before Sneak a Peek and I am so excited to meet my new students! We will be together for a wonderful year, and I cannot wait to get started! Please stay tuned for updates, class news, and websites. We are off to the start of a terrific year!