Friday, April 16, 2010

Class Placement for 2010-1011

Our administrators, Liz Jackson and Patrick O'Connell, have asked all teachers to post this information for parents. This information can also be found in the Paw Print Press.


As we think about next year, we would like to review our procedures for student placement in 2010 – 2011. Keheley’s staff gives much time, thought and effort in the careful placement of our children. To the best of our ability, we create proposed classes of students by paying close attention to balancing a heterogeneous blend of boys and girls, learning styles, academic performance and work study habits. Specialists, support staff, counselors and administrators all review proposed class lists.

Parents may submit letters or emails to an administrator regarding the placement of their student(s) by May 7, 2010. While input is accepted, please do not include a request for a specific teacher since numerous variables enter into student placement. A description of your child’s learning style, an unusual family issue, or needs for a special learning environment are helpful pieces of information. Please let us know if there are special considerations for separating your child from another student. If you have not met success with a certain teacher, such as an older child being in that room, please list that factor in your letter. With or without a letter, each Keheley student will be placed with great care. Individual placement conferences with administrators are not necessary.

Keheley’s mission is that in partnership with parents and the community, we will develop our students' excellence in academics and character. Thank you for your trust and participation as we work toward full-filling our mission.

Liz Jackson Patrick O’