Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Excitement

We have all enjoyed our first day back in school and excitement began bubbling for our January activities.

Today the children found out that they would be researching an animal (all to be done at school) and writing their very own hardback book about it, just like the books in the media center. The children will choose their animal on Wednesday, so be sure to ask about it tomorrow evening.

We will be visiting Safety Village on this Friday. I have everyone's permission slip, but wanted to remind you that we will be out of the building from @ 9:15-1:45. It is a wonderful field trip and I am so happy the children will get to experience it.

This is an unusual week due to the 4 day week and the field trip on Friday. We will resume spelling words/tests and homework notebooks next week. Look for the new spelling words in agendas this Friday. Meanwhile, there will be the usual Wednesday math homework and lots of free evenings for reading and writing responses as we kick off our 3rd quarter.